I'm not sure how it's been nearly a month since my last post. However, I am sure that I have not been traveling the world. What have I been doing? Handling the business of the house including, but not limited to, 1,386 loads of laundry, 13,267 dishes (some of which I decided to take from people while they were still using them), making more than just my bed because...these kids, wiping down more mirrors and windows than anyone should have to, sweeping and vacuuming dog hair everyday (yes, I love them to death but I think at this point I just need to go directly to the source and vacuum them rather than the floor), and finally collecting all the documents to do the taxes.
Good God, it's tax season again already, which also means it Charlotte's birthday, my mom's birthday, Luke's mom's birthday, and the dog's birthday (all in April, which seems like a second from now). I'll be honest here, I have zero gifts, parties, dinners, events planned for these birthdays but I'm going to have to file that under next week's things to stress about.

Since we are in this journey together, I am going to share two unrelated stories of this past month.
1. A little ditty about Mason and his love of fries (and other food) but also a little ditty about me trying to embrace the moment
When Mr. Mason is all the way up, I sometimes lose my shit. That's not the story because I've already admitted that. It is hard when this child is the size of a man and doesn't know where his body is in time or space so he is always bumping into things or stomping up the stairs like an elephant.
Time out - - - side note, when I was younger I used to walk heavy on my feet but I didn't realize that or know what it meant. My father always told me it sounded like a herd of elephants coming down the stairs or hallway when I was walking. Now...I get it. All those years ago I was annoying people unknowingly and here I am being annoyed by the same thing. Thank you karma for bringing that full circle for me. - - - Time in.
Mason was all the way up a few weekends ago - happy but also unable to sit and chill. He was alternating between bouncing and plopping himself on the chairs. I thought I needed a break so when Luke mentioned he needed to go to Home Depot, I thought that was a perfect trip for Mason too. Unfortunately, Luke got side tracked on the way home and forgot to get Mason the French fries he promised him. Fries are the key to Mason compliance, in this case, a walk through Home Depot and getting the shopping done. Later that afternoon, Mason was back at it...just Mason doing Mason things, being happy and testing the structural integrity of the house. I thought this was the perfect time for me to take Mason with me to get the dog's nails trimmed. In doing so, I'd make sure he got the French fries he was promised.
Fries - Check, dog getting nails trimmed (and being a weeny about it) - check, checking out guinea pigs while we wait - check. I did get Mason to pet the guinea pig but he wasn't thrilled with the event. I only realized this as the PetSmart employee put the guinea pig back in the cage and Mason yelled "bye bye pig".
While we waited for the dog, we walked the aisles. As we walked the aisles of PetSmart, Mason ran through his list of favorite fast food restaurants asking for his favorite items (mind you this was after eating a large fry and NOT sharing even one fry with me). Donut, Donut - no Mason
Donald's fries - no Mason
Pizza, pizza, pizza - no Mason
Wendy's - no Mason
Target, Target - no Mason
As I was checking out, the clerk asked me how old Mason is...when I said 14 she said 'oh he may have another growth spurt'. I'm not sure why that woman woke up that day and chose violence but seriously lady...he is already testing the build quality of the house. And because the clerk is likely right, Mason reminded me again of his favorite foods and restaurants when we got in the car.
Donut, Donut - no Mason
Donald's fries - no Mason
Pizza, pizza, pizza - no Mason
Wendy's - no Mason
Target, Target - no Mason
2. A little ditty about 8th Grade Social Studies
Last week, Charlotte was planning to travel to South Carolina with her dad to support him and be cheer squad for a half marathon. While there she spent time with her aunt and uncle that she doesn't get to see that often. For this trip, she had to miss 2 days of school. She was super bummed about it. Just kidding, she was so happy to miss school she wouldn't have cared if her dad said she was running the race.
Prior to leaving, she had a few assignments to hand in. You know...showing initiative and not falling behind in school work, all her idea. Just kidding, she doesn't seem phased by zeros being factored into her grade when she doesn't hand in her homework.
Time out - - - side note, I am a rule follower. I had a clean room growing up and I wanted good grades in school. I tried to go a week once without making my bed or cleaning my room and I was disgusted with myself and had to spend a Friday evening picking it up and putting the room back in order. I couldn't leave assignments until the day before they were due and I remember having to study a lot harder than my brother to get straight Bs. The thought of not handing in an assignment and having a zero factored into my grade is unconscionable. This kid with her 'it doesn't matter' attitude and 'don't worry, the grade in PowerSchool isn't accurate' - who is she? - - - Time in.
Social Studies is one assignment that needed to be done prior to leaving. The assignment was to write a letter to the President about four causes of the Great Depression. Charlotte said she needed some help. When we sat down at the Chromebook she stared at it like she didn't know how to start a letter. I said, "Dear Mr. President"...oh right mom. Right! We talked about how to frame the letter with an opening and using her classwork and notes to support her points. Also, the important conclusion and how closing the letter with "kisses from your #1 fan" was not appropriate.
Listen friends, I'm not sure what happened because it all happened so fast but the next thing I realized, the Chromebook is in my lap and I'm typing a letter to President Roosevelt. I'm writing things like this is my assignment. In my defense, I had a rough day at work and I was feeling a bit dejected but what has my life come to that I'm doing my 8th graders homework to feel better about myself. Luckily I caught myself and stopped what I was doing but the good news is, WE got a 90 on the assignment. When I asked why we got a 90, Charlotte informed me that you don't get comments back on good grades.
When I run into people I haven't seen in a while and they ask me what I've been up to...this is the story of my life, buying French fries to calm Mason and doing 8th grade Social Studies (a redemption from the first time).
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Not to worry about throwing a party or anything grand since I will be in Bermuda during my birthday week. 😃❤️