I've been thinking about starting this for a while now. Mostly because I need an outlet to get my thoughts about raising some neuro spicy kids out and thought maybe there is someone out there sharing similar experiences and we can laugh and cry together. I wanted to start the first week in January...because as they say 'new year, new me' and I thought the new me part was something like this. As I thought about it, I came to the decision I'd start in the New Year and post weekly. After I missed the first 2 weeks, I adjusted the expectations a bit. At this point, we will be both be surprised by the frequency, assuming you'll stick around to read more.

As I got to work this morning I was thinking about the blog again and had to the use the ladies room. I don't think they are related but as I got into the stall and pull my pants down, I noticed my underwear were inside out (freaking great!). I'm 40-something and can't even do the basics right. I figured that was my sign to get my butt in gear and get this going. Who am I to question signs?! Also, in case you're wondering, no, I didn't take the time to make the underwear right. I do not have time for that and I kept that secret to myself until now.
The origin...I'm going to skip ahead a lot in favor of the relevant parts. My daughter is 13 years old. She is a beautiful, kind, sassy, pain in the butt with ADHD so it's like managing a border collie puppy. She has a lot of energy, always on the move (unless she's playing on her phone), always looking for something. There are countless reminders and somedays I wonder if she is wearing her underwear inside out too. She is incredibly smart but also there are times I worry she would burn toast if it didn't pop up on its own.
In January 2021, I met the most perfect person in the world that I didn't know existed for me. Within the first 30 minutes of meeting Luke, I knew he was something special. To be fair, it could have been the smell of fresh baked goods at Panera Bread too. What I didn't know as I sat that falling for him that he came with a non-verbal autistic son, Mason. To be honest, before I met Mason I don't believe I was exposed to many children with special needs. Therefore, I had no idea what I was in for. And, I sure as heck didn't have the patience required (I didn't find that out until it was too late). But, when you find someone so special and you fall in love so hard you accept all of them so here we are.
A little known fact, non-verbal does NOT mean quiet. Mason is a big kid (at 14 years old he is 5'10" tall and 220lbs) who does not know exactly where his body is in time or space. It is like having elephants run up and down the stairs and throughout the house. Every. Single. Step. is loud. There is literally no way this kid could sneak up behind you. However, Mason can be remarkably silent when he is sneaking cake from the kitchen. Mason will remind you that the cookie monster is blue throughout the day at random times, just in case you forget. And if there was a chicken nugget eating contest, Joey Chestnut would be proud. This young man LOVES the nugs only second to french fries.
Our life is a fantastic voyage on the crazy train, sometimes I'm the conductor and sometimes I'm hanging off the back of the caboose holding on for dear life. Throughout it all, I have my ride or die by my side telling me I look pretty even when I'm not acting pretty. This man is obviously heaven sent because these kids require patience that I'm still searching for and somehow he has enough for both of us.
Stay with me and let's take the journey together. Sometimes funny and sometimes frustrating but always with love in the heart.
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I love this!!!! I also do believe that you are the perfect crazy for Luke. We love all of you to the moon and back❤️
E- you’re amazing… funny, loving, insightful, patient- so well written. Always proud to call you a friend…,
I love this on so many levels
I can’t wait to follow along
Love you Erika! Can’t wait for more❤️😘
I love this!!!! I’m hooked, give me more 🙌🏼😊 💗p.s. miss u so much!!!!
You are such a gifted and talented writer. I’m looking forward to many more messages from the E universe. ❤️. Love you to the moon and back!
Have you heard any Julie stories🤣🤣